Spain’s main registros: translations and background info

This post looks at the main public registers (registros) in Spain. It outlines what they are for and lists common translations and similar entities in English-speaking countries.

Whether each registro is more a list or a place (or both) is also covered. This key distinction (described in this post) can affect the translation or at least how you refer to it in surrounding text.

Two points to keep in mind

1. The common translations are preferable to the comparative counterparts

For each registro looked at in this post, common translations (mainly taken from dictionaries) and comparative counterparts (similar entities in English-speaking countries) are listed.

Which are the better translations?

The common translations will usually be preferable. They are transparent (i.e. similar looking to the original) and understandable in English. Although sometimes — for a particular purpose or reader — a comparative counterpart may be more appropriate.

2. Nearly all the registros are both places and lists

All bar one of the registros looked at in this post are both places and lists. This is because only the main registros are covered. It’s normally the obscure registros that are only lists. See this post for more about the list vs place distinction.

Registro Civil


Registering births, deaths, marriages, and certain guardianship and legal representation appointments.

Useful to know

There are four sections for recording different information in the registro civil:

  1. births and general
  2. marriages
  3. deaths
  4. guardianships and legal representation appointments

Recording information in these four sections is to be phased out in Spain in favour of the folio personal (person-based folio) system in which all information on a person goes on one folio.

As a place

A local office in each town (Oficina del Registro Civil). Sometimes the civil register list is kept at the Juzgado de la Paz (Justice of the Peace Court). The local office may also be called the Registro Civil y Juzgado de la Paz.

A national office (the Registro Civil Central) for registering details not recorded at local offices, such as the birth of Spanish nationals abroad and foreign nationals who become Spanish citizens. The central office also issues certificates online based on records held at local offices.

As a list

A local list kept at the local registro civil office and a national list of records kept at the Registro Civil Central. To get a certificate of a record in person, you need to go to the office where it was filed. But you can get some types of records online via the nationally compiled list.

Common translations

  • Civil Register (as a list)
  • Civil Registry (Office)/Register Office (as a place, the local branches)
  • General/Central Civil Register/Registry (Office) (for the national office, the Registro Civil Central)

Comparative counterparts

  • UK: General Register Office (nationally) and (Civil) Register Offices (locally)
  • AUSTRALIA (AUS): each state has its own register, e.g. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages
  • US: Office/Division of Vital Statistics/Records (or some version of these, depending on the state)

Registro Mercantil


Registering businesses, sole traders (voluntarily) and other entities. Also filing documents associated with these entities, such as the annual accounts.

Useful to know

Uses the folio personal system, with all information on an individual or entity being recorded on a single folio.

As a place

Provincial offices for registering entities in each province and a central office (Registro Mercantil Central) that keeps a national list of entities and individuals.

In many regions, the Registro Mercantil and the Registro de Bienes Muebles (see below) are at the same office (e.g. Registro Mercantil y de Bienes Muebles de Barcelona).

As a list

A national list of all legal persons registered in the provincial offices. This centralised information is kept at the Registro Mercantil Central and is accessible online.

A local list of legal persons registered in a province.

Details can be consulted online via the central office and in person and online via a provincial office where an entity or individual is registered.

Common translations

  • Companies Register (Jowers)
  • Commercial Register (West)
  • Companies Registry (Alcaraz & Hughes)
  • Trade Register (seen on some govt. websites in Spain)
  • Business Register (not so common, but another option)

Comparative counterparts

  • UK: Companies House (a central office in London with some local branches)
  • AUS: Australian Business Register (a list kept by the Australian Tax Office)
  • US: company registration is handled by state agencies or government departments going by different names (e.g. Secretary/Department of State and Department of Corporations).

Registro de la Propiedad


Registering anything affecting the ownership of real estate. This includes notarial instruments, contracts, court orders and administrative decisions.

Useful to know

Uses the folio real (property-based folio) system in which all information on a property is recorded on one folio. This contrasts with the folio personal system used in the Registro Mercantil, where a separate folio is kept for each individual or entity.

As a place

Local branches for registering properties in the province.

As a list

A provincial list accessible from branches in the province and a central list that can be consulted online.

Common translations

  • Land Register (West, Jowers)
  • Real Estate Register (Jowers)

Comparative counterparts

  • UK: HM Land Registry
  • AUS: each state has its own register, e.g. NSW Land Registry and Titles Queensland
  • US: each state has its own register

Registro de Bienes Muebles


Registering security interests in personal (movable) property. As a rule, this is a voluntary register, with vessels and aircraft being exceptions to this.

Useful to know

The Registro de Bienes Muebles is often the same office as the Registro Mercantil, e.g. the Registro Mercantil y de Bienes Muebles de Barcelona.

As a place

Regional offices and a central office.

As a list

A national list that can be consulted online and regional lists in each province.

Common translations

Personal Property Register (Jowers)

Comparative counterparts

  • AUS & New Zealand: Personal Property Securities Register
  • UK: no centralised personal property register
  • US: Uniform Commercial Code filing system. Although implemented by the states, and different property is covered
  • Canada: Personal Property Registry

Registro de Actos de Última Voluntad


Registering wills.

Useful to know

Administered by the Registro General office of the Ministry of Justice in Madrid.

As a place

Mainly seen as a list.

As a list

A national compilation of the wills registered at notary offices across the country.

Common translations

  • General Register of Wills (Jowers)
  • Probate Register (Alcaraz)
  • General Registry of Last Wills (Pérez-Manglano)

Comparative counterparts

  • UK: National Will Register
  • AUS: Australian Registry of Wills, Deeds and Documents and the National Will Register (among others)

These comparative counterparts are private entities, unlike Spain’s will register.

Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual


Registering copyrights.

Useful to know

The Spanish term propiedad intelectual is limited to copyright. In contrast, the English term intellectual property includes what is propiedad industrial in Spanish (i.e. patents, brands and industrial design).

However, sometimes in Spanish the term is used like it is in English to encompass industrial property.

As a place

Regional offices and a central office. Copyrights can be registered online.

As a list

A national list.


  • General Copyright Register or Copyright Register/Registry (Jowers)
  • Registry of Intellectual Property* (Alcaraz)
  • Copyright Office (Alcaraz)
  • Barcelona Copyright Office/Register/Registry (regional office)

Comparative counterparts

  • US: US Copyright Office
  • UK: UK Intellectual Property Office*

* Given the difference in meaning between propiedad intelectual and intellectual property, using these terms might be misleading in English.

Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (formerly, Registro de la Propiedad Industrial)


Registering industrial property (trade names, trade marks, industrial designs and patents).

Useful to know

The difference between intellectual property and propiedad intelectual — see the previous section.

As a place

Regional offices and a central office.

As a list

A national list that can be consulted online.

Common translations

Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (Jowers), formerly, Industrial Property Registry (Jowers)

Comparative counterparts

  • AUS: IP Australia, formerly, Australian Patent Office
  • US: United States Patent and Trademark Office
  • UK: Intellectual Property Office (also, The Patent Office)
  • EU: European Patent Register and the European Patent Office

In the EU, there is an office for handling patent applications (European Patent Office) and a list of patents (European Patent Register). The other territories mentioned have a sole entity for both purposes (usually referred to as an “office”).


  • Alcaraz Varó, E. and Hughes, B. (2007) Diccionario de Términos Jurídicos, A dictionary of Legal Terms, 10th edition
  • Jowers, R. (2015) Léxico temático de terminología jurídica español-inglés, 1st edition
  • Pérez-Manglano, J. (2012) Spanish Law for Notaries: An Overview of the Spanish Legal System and a Practical Guide to Spanish Documents and Transactions, 1st edition
  • West III, T.L. (2012) Spanish-English Dictionary of Law and Business, 2nd edition

Written by Rob

Rob Lunn is a freelance legal translator and editor based in Spain. He translates from Spanish and Catalan into English.

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