Certified Spanish-and-Catalan-into-English translations for the UK

What is a certified translation?

In the UK, an “official” or certified translation is a translation completed by a certified translator. To qualify as a certified translator in the UK, you must be a member of one of these professional organisations:

  • the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI)
  • the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIoL)

Certified translations typically include:

  • a signed statement from the translator certifying the truth and accuracy of the translation
  • the contact details, credentials and signature of the translator
  • both the original document and the translated version

In the UK, what do you need certified translations for?

You need certified English translations of foreign-language documents for:

  • applying for a visa
  • enrolling in a university
  • registering a marriage or civil partnership
  • submitting documents to a UK court
  • proving qualifications for employment
  • applying for citizenship or residency
  • handling inheritance or probate matters
  • exchanging a foreign driving licence
  • making an international adoption application
  • submitting medical records for ongoing care
  • buying or selling property abroad
  • setting up a UK bank account or applying for a mortgage

Not sure if you need a certified Spanish or translation? Contact the agency handling your application or request for clarification.

What type of documents require certified translations?

Documents often requiring Spanish-to-English certified translations for UK procedures and applications include:

  • certificado de nacimiento (birth certificate)
  • certificado de matrimonio (marriage certificate)
  • libro de familia (family records book)
  • sentencia de divorcio (divorce decree)
  • título universitario (university degree certificate)
  • certificado académico (academic transcript)
  • certificado de antecedentes penales (criminal record certificate)
  • permiso de conducir (driving licence)
  • pasaporte (passport)
  • testamento (will)
  • certificado de defunción (death certificate)
  • poder notarial (power of attorney)
  • contrato de compraventa (sales contract)
  • historial médico (medical record)
  • certificado de vacunación (vaccination certificate)
  • documentos judiciales (court documents)
  • certificado de adopción (adoption certificate)
  • contratos laborales (employment contracts)

Why hire with me?

I provide fast, hassle-free certified Spanish-and-Catalan-into English translations.

My qualifications include:

  • 17 years’ experience as a legal translator
  • membership in the UK’s Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIoL)
  • membership of the UK’s Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI)

I’m also a member of two professional translation associations in Spain:

  • Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET)
  • Asociación Profesional de Traductores e Intérpretes de Cataluña (APTIC)

What format does your certified Spanish- or Catalan-to-English translation need to be in?

Digital or paper formats are both acceptable, as long as they include:

  • the translator’s contact details and credentials
  • a signed statement of accuracy

How will you get your certified translation from me?

I will send you a signed PDF that includes:

  • a letter with my details and a statement confirming that the translation is true and accurate
  • the original document in Spanish or Catalan
  • the certified English translation
You can use the digital version for your application or print it out to submit a hard copy. If needed, I can send you a hard copy, but this will take longer and incur additional costs.

What about Spanish-to-English certified translations for other countries?

Some agencies in English-speaking countries, such as Canada and the US, accept certified English translations from professional translators based in other countries (e.g., the UK). Even some agencies in non-English-speaking countries (e.g., Norway) accept certified English translations from professional translators abroad.

To ensure a translation from a UK-certified translator will be valid for your application, please check with the agency handling your submission. If it is, don’t hesitate to contact me for a quote.

What do you need to send to me to get your certified translation?

Please send me a clear digital copy of the document in Spanish or Catalan you need translated. This could be:

  • a complete scan or photo of each page where all text is legible
  • an original document in PDF or Word format

How long will it take?

Typically, I can deliver your Spanish- or Catalan-to-English translation within one or two business days, depending on my workload.

How much will it cost?

For a free, no-obligation quote, email or text me the document. I’ll reply with a price and turnaround time as soon as possible.

What do I do now?

Simply send me an email or text with the document you need translated. I will respond promptly with a quote.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.