Category: CPD

Continued professional development for legal translators

Lexacom Skype course

A few weeks back, I did one of David Hutchins’s courses for legal translators. David is a solicitor who gives law courses of all...

Workshop at METM16

I’m very pleased to be taking part in the METM conference again this year. This time I’ll be doing a pre-conference workshop on translating...

Dissertation dilemma

Decisions, decisions… There comes a time in your life as a student on City University’s MA in Legal Translation when you have to make...

Only halfway there?

It felt like the MA finish line was close, but it turns out that the race is only half run. I started my master’s...

What I did last weekend — METM11

Here’s a quick run-down of my first MET meeting, METM11: Thursday afternoon: “Getting started in financial translation” by Stephen Waller. A practical workshop with...