Translating a document requires knowing what it looks like in the target language, especially in a format-heavy genre like contracts. And knowing what the...
Anyone who’s looked up legal terms on ProZ term search in the Spanish-to-English combination will probably be familiar with Rebecca Jowers. You’re likely to...
This straight-to-the-point paper by Daniel Kaplan has some useful tips for translating contracts. 1. False friends Kaplan points out a couple of false friends...
Distinguishing between formulaic language and contract information is, I believe, the key to translating contracts and other formal legal documents. The only thing that...
In Basic Legal Drafting, Anne Rutledge makes a useful distinction between promissory and descriptive language: A promissory statement is one that “articulates a promise”...
Basic Legal Drafting by Anne Rutledge covers three areas of legal drafting: litigation documents, contracts and legislative documents. I went straight for what interests...
According to Tiffany Kemp in her book Essential Contract Drafting Skills (spoken about here), we shouldn’t use “undertakes to” because it’s legalese with no...
Here’s another useful resource for translating contracts: Essential Contract Drafting Skills — a Practical Guide by Tiffany Kemp It’s a short book (doesn’t have...
Based on my surely not-that-accurate restaurant-menu analogy post of the other day, which at least highlights some of the main characteristics of legal translation,...
Legal translation is a lot like translating restaurant menus. Firstly, both types of translation are full of culture-specific or non-equivalent terms, i.e., terms that...
Here’s an excellent resource (in Spanish) on translating contracts from Spanish to English and vice versa: La traducción de los contratos (inglés – castellano...
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